Belly up for Priyanka Chopra!

Belly up for Priyanka Chopra!
She was the unsung perfectionist of the film industry till it started taking a toll on her health. But playing 12 different roles in her next film was probably the last straw.
After several bouts of exhaustion that have led her in and out of hospital, Priyanka Chopra finally admits she needs to take care of herself now or risk a burnout.
"This film (What's Your Raashee?) has been very difficult for me personally. Doing so many things has been thoroughly wonderful but equally exhausting.
I haven't been able to take care of myself and that's why I have been falling ill regularly. But now I'm doing quite fine," Priyanka told DNA. But the pay-off has been learning many new skills, and topping the list is her new found love for bellydancing.
"I think belly dancing is one of the most sensual dance forms. I'm not a trained dancer, but it was good fun to learn," says Priyanka. But the masterstroke, feels the actor, was her decision to learn Gujarati -- all the 12 roles she plays are Gujarati girls. "I had a Gujarati teacher on hand all through the shoot so I could deliver the dialogues with just the right accent as Gujaratis do!" Saru karyu.


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