tv so you think you can dance01

'So You Think You Can Dance' - '1 of 6 Voted Off' Recap
(S07E17) Did Billy Bell exit stage left because of his injury, or was another dancer who had underperformed sent home? Was Lauren's butt mentioned? Di.

'So You Think You Can Dance' - '1 of 11 Voted Off' (Recap)
(S07E07) The first elimination of 'So You Think You Can Dance' starts off with three women in the bottom three. The judges must have known.

'So You Think You Can Dance' - '1 of 9 Voted Off' Recap
(S07E11) This week's elimination continues to skew the number of men versus women on 'So You Think You Can Dance.' Melinda was obviously going to be in the bottom three, but I'm shocked by who else was in the bottom. ...

So You Think You Can Dance' - '1 of 8 Voted Off' (Recap)
(S07E13) If you were expecting an update at the top of the show on Alex Wong's possibly game-changing injury, we didn't get one until it.

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